Predawn moves

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Predawn moves

Unread postby Pete Stagg » Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:44 pm

10/20/14 Predawn, an engine moved to the ash pot, then on to the water tank. A pickup truck drove as near to the water tank as it could with headlights to give them light. In the dark, I could not tell which engine it was. It then went to the north end switch and moved south down the main. That was as long as I could watch, so what it did after that is a mystery. Anybody know?
Pete Stagg
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:58 pm

Re: Predawn moves

Unread postby Larry Sullivan » Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:26 pm

Pete they went down toward the Wye - were down that way as long as I watched. It was pretty interesting watching them moving around in the dark slowly, and with the lights flashing around. I did record some of that, and will post video if interested -- won't be back home until tomorrow, but will get it done.
Larry Sullivan
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Re: Predawn moves

Unread postby Larry Sullivan » Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:52 am

As there was some interest, here's a couple videos from the pre-dawn move on 10-20-14 with 489 preparing for the day. I hadn't planned on posting these, in truth you can't see a lot of train, but it was fun watching them try to get light on things, and the crew taking their time moving in the dark. Second video is primarily coal loading -- really took their time again, make sure the coal ended up in the tender, camera showing up the fire in the belly pretty good too.


Larry Sullivan
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Location: Dunnellon, Florida

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