sightings in the yard while cams down

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sightings in the yard while cams down

Unread postby Allan Kirkpatrick » Thu May 15, 2014 12:38 pm

Could anyone whose happens to be in the Chama yards please help us FAR away lovers of the C&TSRR with updates on what you see?
So much must be going on in the yard now in prep for opening day and it would really be helpful to keep the rest of us "in the loop".
It would also be helpful if someone can update us on the work in the station.
Thanks to all who might help the rest of us stay abreast of the activities.
Allan Kirkpatrick
Posts: 276
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:56 am

Re: sightings in the yard while cams down

Unread postby Tom Casper » Thu May 15, 2014 4:11 pm

Double header out of Chama today with freight cars for Osier. If you do Facebook, they have updates from Mr Bush. The Dead goat has pictures of them leaving today.
tom at srclry dot com
A student of the Southend RGS!
Tom Casper
Posts: 808
Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:25 pm
Location: Southwest of the Windy City

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