Arrival of train 215:
Train 215 enters Chama yard with 487 doing what it seems to do best, blowing its pop valve.
- 6.6.16 train 215 comes into Chama with 487 leading.jpg (124.14 KiB) Viewed 2550 times
As the parlor New Mexico clears the coaling tower we can see 4 dudes on the platform waving madly.
- 6.6.16 Parlor New Mexico has the markers with 4 waving dudes on the platform.jpg (163.64 KiB) Viewed 2550 times
487 passes the depot as it brings 215 to a stop under an overcast sky.
- 6.616 487 brings 215 to a stop at the Chama depot.jpg (103.51 KiB) Viewed 2550 times