A few more videos from the day.
10-23-15 488 starts the day from the South side of the shop, heads down to the wye, and comes back with two flat cars that are spotted with the passenger cars in the North yard. After spotting the cars, 488 headed for water and ash pit service while workers began getting the MOW equipment set for the day.
10-23-15 A piece of MOW equipment - I believe this may be a Ballast Regulator - as Sharon noted in a post above, a very interesting way to be turned. Looks like by human power!!!
10-23-15 487 also got some of the passenger coaches from the South yard and spotted them well past the depot on the main. Perhaps to be used on the end of the charter or for the hospital train next week. Also I let the video run as the 5 locomotive shoot broke up and they went to the wye. I have to check if I have anything better on my laptop I was using to record the depot cam - will check when home and put here if I do.