Summer Dispatch, Vol. 36 No.2
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 2:40 pm
The Summer, 2023 issue of the C&TS Dispatch is now available for download in .pdf format (2.8 Mb)
This issues contains, "Orange is the New Yellow," the story behind and the painting and lettering of 40-foot Reefer 163 in Chama; a description of the upcoming "Special Sessions," the off-the-regular-schedule projects; an update n the Friends Junior Engineer Program; and photos of the history and rebuilding of K-36 483 from a working locomotive to a static display. The issue also has photos from Work Sessions A and B and work progressing on Express Car 163 in Colorado Springs. Enjoy!
This issues contains, "Orange is the New Yellow," the story behind and the painting and lettering of 40-foot Reefer 163 in Chama; a description of the upcoming "Special Sessions," the off-the-regular-schedule projects; an update n the Friends Junior Engineer Program; and photos of the history and rebuilding of K-36 483 from a working locomotive to a static display. The issue also has photos from Work Sessions A and B and work progressing on Express Car 163 in Colorado Springs. Enjoy!