July 25, 2020



(By Sam Seiber)


((Clip 1) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.

On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Items 1 - 5 Opening Business.
1 - Call To Order.
2 - Pledge of Allegiance.
3 - Introductions.
4 - Approval of Agenda.
5 - Approval of Minutes From April 25, 2020 Commission Meeting


(Clip 2) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 6. President Report.
6a. Reservation Report

(Clip 3) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 6. President Report (Part 2). John Bush.
6a. Reservation Report (Part 2).
6b. Maintenance and Repair Report.

Technical difficulties caused the loss of Meeting audio to the public, and was not recorded. Audio to the public was restored about 18 minutes later, recording resumed, and is presented in the next Clip (Clip 4)


(Clip 5) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 7. Marketing Presentation (Launch Advertising) Betsy Bartholomew

((Clip 4) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 6. President Report. John Bush.
Commission Meeting audio to the public was lost during Agenda 6,

and was restored about 18 minutes later. In the meantime, the

Meeting continued and the audio was not recorded.






(Clip 6) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 7. Marketing Presentation (Launch Advertising)
(Part 2) Betsy Bartholomew

(Clip 7) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 7. Marketing Presentation (Launch Advertising)
(Part 3) Betsy Bartholomew

(Clip 8) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 8. Chief Financial Officer Report. Ed Beaudette

(Clip 9) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 11c. New Business. Audit Presentation and Acceptance


(Clip 10) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 11c. New Business. Audit Presentation and Acceptance (Part 2)

(Clip 11) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 9. Commissioner Reports
9a. Chairman Report - Dan Love/Capital Projects
9b. Vice Chairman Report - William Lock/Finance
9c. Secretary Report - Mark Graybill/Marketing Liaison
9d. Secretary Report - Billy Elbrock/Local Affairs

(Clip 12) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 10. Friends of C&TSRR Report.
10a. General Information. Tim Tennant - read by Ed Beaudette

(Clip 13) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Public Comment


(Clip 14) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 11. New Business. 1
1a. Approval of CTO and Commission FY 20-21 Budgets

(Clip 15) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 11. New Business (Part 2).
11a. Approval of CTO and Commission FY 20-21 Budgets (Cont)

(Clip 16) (Clip 16) C&TSRR Commission Meeting. July 25, 2020.
On-Line Virtual Meeting.
Agenda Item 11. New Business. Comments from Commissioners.
Item 12. Adjournment