Roger Hogan

Updates and News from Roger Hogan

Roger Hogan

Unread postby Tom Casper » Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:50 pm

He has pass while having surgery. Very sad news.

Tom C.
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Re: Roger Hogan

Unread postby Jason Rose » Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:35 am

This is exceptionally hard to hear.

Like all of you, I have many fond memories of Roger and Barbara. Foremost is the many times spent sitting across from the reception desk at The Hotel in the evenings and chatting about all things C&T. Steve Forney was in those huddles more often than not and many of the worlds problems could've been solved had anyone important been listening in. The sense of camaraderie was very much akin to an extended family. They were exceptional hosts when they owned The Hotel and I thoroughly enjoyed my times there.

Since I've had children, my trips to Chama have substantially lessened. However, I was able to take my oldest up there last year for a quick project for the Friends. I'd told Roger I was coming up, but we hadn't yet crossed paths. I was walking through the yard with my son when Roger drove by, made a quick u-turn, jumped out, walked over and gave me a big ol' bear hug. My son had quizzical look on his face before I introduced him. That was last time I was face-to-face with Roger. I regret that time was too short to go visit Barbara as well.

My sincerest and most heartfelt condolences to Barbara. Her and Roger have been together since she was a teen (I believe). I can't imagine the depth of her loss and she'll be in my prayers.

Roger will be missed... and remembered fondly. He made a positive difference with his time here. In the end, isn't that the best any of us can hope for?
Jason Rose
Spring, Texas - MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: Roger Hogan

Unread postby Jerry Sullivan » Sat Jun 29, 2024 7:21 am

I cannot imagine that anyone else associated with the C&TS will be missed more than Roger. Actually I met Barbara first in 2018 when a friend and I went out to ride the first eastbound of the 2018 season. We were just looking around at their little shop when she introduced herself. I only saw him twice more. IN 2022, when I went to the depot in Osier to lock it up, one of the westbound docen'ts chores, they were doing their drone thing from the road crossing near the depot. Then in 2023, I encountered Roger in the yard at Chama. Rest in peace buddy, I'll see you again, probably relatively soon as I am 85 and feeling it.
A friend at church passed away from a suddent heart attack a few weeks ago. Rick was only 68 and just didn't wake up one morning. During the celebration of life service his cousin made a remark that at first seems irreverant, but then if one thinks it is serious.

"Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The nearer the end, the faster it goes" As a teenager I thought my father was demented when he would say that the older one got, the faster time went. But as a great-grandfather of 3 now myself, I know he was right.

Jerry :proceed:
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