10/24/18 Wednesday

Tell us what interesting thing you saw on the web-cams.

10/24/18 Wednesday

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:45 am

We have early activity in the yard with both 487 and 484 moving about. Will review the recordings when I get home and post as necessary stills and possibly video.
2018-10-24 The hostlers are at it early this morning with 484 at the pit and 487 already done.jpg
2018-10-24 The hostlers are at it early this morning with 484 at the pit and 487 already done.jpg (53.54 KiB) Viewed 3762 times

2018-10-24 The 487 is taking on water as the 484 waits its turn.jpg
2018-10-24 The 487 is taking on water as the 484 waits its turn.jpg (74.49 KiB) Viewed 3762 times

2018-10-24 The 484 is now at the tank as 487 moves to the main.jpg
2018-10-24 The 484 is now at the tank as 487 moves to the main.jpg (90.63 KiB) Viewed 3762 times

2018-10-24 Once both were on the main, 487 moved up so 484 could back down ahead of it.jpg
2018-10-24 Once both were on the main, 487 moved up so 484 could back down ahead of it.jpg (85.46 KiB) Viewed 3761 times

2018-10-24 The 487 now comes down.jpg
2018-10-24 The 487 now comes down.jpg (83.52 KiB) Viewed 3761 times

2018-10-24 The 484 moved straight into south yard while 487 is taking on coal.jpg
The 484 moved straight into south yard while 487 is taking on coal

2018-10-24 Both locomotives are now in south yard.jpg
2018-10-24 Both locomotives are now in south yard.jpg (97.86 KiB) Viewed 3761 times

2018-10-24 The 487 has now coupled onto the hoppers so it can shove them out of the yard.jpg
2018-10-24 The 487 has now coupled onto the hoppers so it can shove them out of the yard.jpg (100.25 KiB) Viewed 3760 times

2018-10-24 During this time, 484 has gone to the wye so its now facing south or west.jpg
2018-10-24 During this time, 484 has gone to the wye so its now facing south or west.jpg (102.61 KiB) Viewed 3760 times

2018-10-24 A speeder is getting ready for fire patrol duty.jpg
2018-10-24 A speeder is getting ready for fire patrol duty.jpg (97.83 KiB) Viewed 3759 times
Sharon Evans
Posts: 4904
Joined: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:54 pm
Location: Glen Allen, VA

Re: 10/24/18 Wednesday

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:35 pm

This day's activities continued with departure of the 2 trains:
2018-10-24 The 487 is now pulling the hopper toward the south end of the yard, probably to get them filled with ballast.jpg
2018-10-24 The 487 is now pulling the hopper toward the south end of the yard, probably to get them filled with ballast.jpg (96.13 KiB) Viewed 3758 times

2018-10-24 The 484 is switching in south yard.jpg
2018-10-24 The 484 is switching in south yard.jpg (97.63 KiB) Viewed 3758 times

2018-10-24 The 487 comes out of south yard shoving its train caboose first.jpg
2018-10-24 The 487 comes out of south yard shoving its train caboose first.jpg (87.53 KiB) Viewed 3705 times

2018-10-24 The 487 comes past the woodshop and we see 2 full hoppers of ballast.jpg
2018-10-24 The 487 comes past the woodshop and we see 2 full hoppers of ballast.jpg (83.89 KiB) Viewed 3705 times

2018-10-24 As the 487 comes by the tipple we see that the fireman is stoking his fire.jpg
2018-10-24 As the 487 comes by the tipple we see that the fireman is stoking his fire.jpg (59.7 KiB) Viewed 3705 times

2018-10-24 The 487 shoves it little train out of Chama.jpg
2018-10-24 The 487 shoves it little train out of Chama.jpg (83.47 KiB) Viewed 3705 times

2018-10-24 The 484 now comes out of south yard with its little train.jpg
2018-10-24 The 484 now comes out of south yard with its little train.jpg (99.62 KiB) Viewed 3700 times

2018-10-24 Coming by the woodshop we see a caboose and flat car.jpg
2018-10-24 Coming by the woodshop we see a caboose and flat car.jpg (94.51 KiB) Viewed 3700 times

2018-10-24 Coming out from the tipple, we can see that the steam is really condencing and hanging.jpg
2018-10-24 Coming out from the tipple, we can see that the steam is really condencing and hanging.jpg (73.9 KiB) Viewed 3700 times

2018-10-24 The 484 leaves the yard under a cloud of steam.jpg
2018-10-24 The 484 leaves the yard under a cloud of steam.jpg (86.31 KiB) Viewed 3700 times

Last edited by Sharon Evans on Wed Oct 24, 2018 5:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Sharon Evans
Posts: 4904
Joined: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:54 pm
Location: Glen Allen, VA

Re: 10/24/18 Wednesday

Unread postby Edward Morris » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:56 pm

I was lucky to be online when 487 left Chama..........................pushing two loaded hoppers with a caboose leading the way. Should make an interesting vid.
Edward Morris
Posts: 135
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Re: 10/24/18 Wednesday

Unread postby John Hamman » Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:55 pm

Can't wait to see the rest of the pics and videos when I return home tonight!
John Hamman
Posts: 373
Joined: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:50 pm

Re: 10/24/18 Wednesday

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:55 pm

Return of 484 and its train:
2018-10-24 The 484 comes back into Chama yard shoving its little train.jpg
2018-10-24 The 484 comes back into Chama yard shoving its little train.jpg (96.43 KiB) Viewed 3728 times

2018-10-24 The 484 passes the tank with a flat car and caboose.jpg
2018-10-24 The 484 passes the tank with a flat car and caboose.jpg (96.4 KiB) Viewed 3728 times

2018-10-24 The 484 and its train are up to the tipple.jpg
2018-10-24 The 484 and its train are up to the tipple.jpg (95.56 KiB) Viewed 3728 times

2018-10-24 The 484 heads toward south yard.jpg
2018-10-24 The 484 heads toward south yard.jpg (85.83 KiB) Viewed 3728 times

2018-10-24 The 484 is shoving its train into the yard.jpg
2018-10-24 The 484 is shoving its train into the yard.jpg (84.81 KiB) Viewed 3728 times

2018-10-24 The 484 has stopped.jpg
2018-10-24 The 484 has stopped.jpg (86.98 KiB) Viewed 3728 times

2018-10-24 Having dropped the 2 cars, is headed back to the house.jpg
2018-10-24 Having dropped the 2 cars, is headed back to the house.jpg (96.21 KiB) Viewed 3728 times

2018-10-24 Coming down the house lead still pointed west.jpg
2018-10-24 Coming down the house lead still pointed west.jpg (95 KiB) Viewed 3728 times

2018-10-24 The 484 is now parked on the east lead in front of the 463.jpg
2018-10-24 The 484 is now parked on the east lead in front of the 463.jpg (88.58 KiB) Viewed 3728 times

The 484 arrival is combined with the 487, so its at the end of the 487 post.
Last edited by Sharon Evans on Wed Oct 24, 2018 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sharon Evans
Posts: 4904
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Location: Glen Allen, VA

Re: 10/24/18 Wednesday

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Wed Oct 24, 2018 4:16 pm

487 returns to Chama:
2018-10-24 The 487 comes into Chama with its train of hoppers.jpg
2018-10-24 The 487 comes into Chama with its train of hoppers.jpg (91.2 KiB) Viewed 3716 times

2018-10-24 The 487 comes by the tank as it vents steam.jpg
2018-10-24 The 487 comes by the tank as it vents steam.jpg (94.4 KiB) Viewed 3716 times

2018-10-24 Approaching the tipple we see 3 hoppers, a rider gon and caboose.jpg
2018-10-24 Approaching the tipple we see 3 hoppers, a rider gon and caboose.jpg (89.2 KiB) Viewed 3716 times

2018-10-24 As it passes the tipple we see the shortie caboose.jpg
As it passes the tipple we see the shortie caboose

2018-10-24 Passing the woodshop as the train heads to south yard.jpg
2018-10-24 Passing the woodshop as the train heads to south yard.jpg (90.97 KiB) Viewed 3715 times

2018-10-24 Entering south yard where it stops briefly.jpg
2018-10-24 Entering south yard where it stops briefly.jpg (92.46 KiB) Viewed 3715 times

2018-10-24 Now headed toward the south end of the yard.jpg
2018-10-24 Now headed toward the south end of the yard.jpg (90.76 KiB) Viewed 3715 times

2018-10-24 On returning from the wye, 487 dropped its train and is now stopped waiting for the hostlers to take over.jpg
2018-10-24 On returning from the wye, 487 dropped its train and is now stopped waiting for the hostlers to take over.jpg (80.59 KiB) Viewed 3711 times

2018-10-24 Its day's work done, the hostlers take 487 back to the house.jpg
2018-10-24 Its day's work done, the hostlers take 487 back to the house.jpg (73.78 KiB) Viewed 3710 times

Sharon Evans
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Re: 10/24/18 Wednesday

Unread postby Rick Calkins » Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:32 pm

Good Evening Sharon:

Nice selection of snapshots and video. The time spent combing through your digital video recorder is productive. If it is not a secret, how do you leave home and still stream from the cameras, without recording the dreaded re-start icon? I also use Bandicam, but cannot find the settings to accomplish this. Your diligence is marvelous.


Honored to have Friend's membership ranking of "Conductor."
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Re: 10/24/18 Wednesday

Unread postby Sharon Evans » Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:07 am

Rick, Jason has explained this before that, because I do these daily recordings, have a feed without a time out on it. Now it will still freeze up on me at time and over the course of the season I have missed departure due to this.
Sharon Evans
Posts: 4904
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Location: Glen Allen, VA

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