1. Is there a local source for computer and video camera repair and maintenance? If so, what are the costs? Is there more than one firm available?
2. How does the railroad operating company have IT equipment serviced? Is this available to the Friends?
3, Does the ISP for the railroad make available servicing of its equipment?
4. Who handles the computer and IT services for the Chama Valley Consolidated School District?
5. Is that service provided by an employee of the school system? Would that employee be available to assist the Friends IT requirements for pay?
6. How does the State Police office acquire servicing for its computer and communications systems?
7. How does the State Highway office acquire servicing for its computer and communications systems?
8. It is common for churches to stream their services over the internet to parishioners. Does this occur in Chama or the surrounding area?
9. The BrownRice company of Taos assisted with the installation of the original streaming camera system. Can they provide followup assistance?
10. Taos is the nearest community of self-sustaining size. The ski facility has extensive live camera coverage of its slopes. By whom and how are these maintained? The local hotels provide wi-
fi and internet services to guests. How and by whom is this maintained?
11. How did you expect to keep the three cameras operational when they were installed?
12. How successful is the present camera maintenance and replacement program and what are the flaws? How do you plan to overturn them? How can they be avoided in the future?
The answers to these questions shall assist in preparing the Turnkey Camera Proposal you require for Antonito. I imagine you have many of these answers within quick reach. It is also realized that you will need to have the person you have on the ground representing the Friends organization do some inquiries given your heavy schedule. This may take a bit of time. Again, thanks for your spirit of cooperation and shared desire to see the C&TS streaming camera system updated and expanded.
I have been bedridden and housebound for several years, and would much prefer being able to spend time in Chama riding the train, fishing the Brazos, and eating enchiladas at Fosters, while devoting the rest of my efforts to finding answers to these questions. You agree I am sure.
Viva Antonito Web Cameras