- 9.10.16 484 starts its day pulling a cold 487 out of the house.jpg (120.68 KiB) Viewed 1839 times
- 9.10.16 The 484 starts its day pulling a cold 487 out of the house.jpg (123.66 KiB) Viewed 1839 times
- 9.10.16 463 has its steam on this morning.jpg (125.59 KiB) Viewed 1838 times
- 9.10.16 The loader brings a scoop of coal over to the 463.jpg (122.34 KiB) Viewed 1838 times
- 9.10.16 After getting 2 scoops of coal brought to it 463 gets water.jpg (125.73 KiB) Viewed 1836 times
- 9.10.16 463 backs over the pit as it comes back for the tank.jpg (116.16 KiB) Viewed 1835 times
- 9.10.16 463 is back on the east lead at the house.jpg (123.28 KiB) Viewed 1835 times
463 must have been very low on consumables for them to run it out ahead of the 484.
- 9.10.16 The 487 is got a fire going and we have a fire patrol today.jpg (132.63 KiB) Viewed 1822 times