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Work Session E, Wednesday July 31, 2013 #2

Unread postPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:26 pm
by Joe Kanocz
Here are some more pics courtesy of John Cole and the snow shed team.

I''d say the header was rotted out.

Getting the equipment in place and the old header below


The team, the new header, other wood all on top a car usually behind a speeder. The car is hand pushed into place with the big beam. BTW, Juhn Cole built these cars used on the railroad behind the speeders. I'm just curious how these guys stay so clean looking? Everyone else in the Chama yard is coated with soot, dirt, paint etc :smiley16:

Re: Work Session E, Wednesday July 31, 2013 #2

Unread postPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:17 am
by John Cole
This is my 'A Team' crew that got-r-done on a big project. Left to right is Ron Horejsi, Tom Hindman, Terry Rahne, Herb Knoesel, and myself. Ron hurt his knee a few weeks earlier, yet he still showed up to help limping and all and was our ground man. And Joe, the reason we are so clean is that our chronicler took this photo at 8:30AM before we even started. The 5PM photo would look much different.

Dave Ferro is walking up on the left. He did much work weatherproofing the carman's house and outbuildings for the winter. This crew was SO GOOD that not only did we get our project done, but 3 of us were able to help Dave with some roofing on a few buildings on Cumbres. (And yes, I AM proud of my guys!)