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There's Movement!

Unread postPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:44 am
by Edwin Frey
Even though the cameras don't have X-ray capabilities, there have been signs that big things are going on inside the engine house. This morning I saw the bucket loader carry a set of drivers from the machine shop to the east stall of the engine house. During the past couple of weeks, a RAC truck delivered a load of what looked like lagging materials, and a few days ago, the fork truck was moving loads of pipe (flues?) from the #1 roundhouse stall to the west side of the engine house. Makes one wonder if the UT on 484's boiler has been successfully completed and they're starting to put her back together again. Other than that, aside from plowing snow, the only thing moving has been the crows busy keeping an eye on things. It's pretty obvious, though, that there's plenty going on indoors in preparation for the upcoming season. :proceed: