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11/15/18 Thursday

Unread postPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:16 am
by Sharon Evans
15 is running so will monitor whatever activity there is.
2018-11-15 The shop crew has started the 15.jpg
2018-11-15 The shop crew has started the 15.jpg (107.37 KiB) Viewed 1559 times

2018-11-15 They have come out from the east lead and are backing into the west lead.jpg
2018-11-15 They have come out from the east lead and are backing into the west lead.jpg (109.01 KiB) Viewed 1559 times

2018-11-15 The 15 has pulled the 489 locomotive body out of the west stall and then shut down.jpg
Here we go again with a wrong id. Looking closely at the shot, there is a tender behind the locomotive so its the 487 not 489.
2018-11-15 The 15 has pulled the 489 locomotive body out of the west stall and then shut down.jpg (109.35 KiB) Viewed 1559 times

Just got home and see that the 315 is getting its tender removed, will have pictures once they are finished.
2018-11-15 The 15 has come out and is heading to get the 315.jpg
2018-11-15 The 15 has come out and is heading to get the 315.jpg (113.77 KiB) Viewed 1496 times

2018-11-15 The 15 pulls the 315 out from beside the roundhouse.jpg
2018-11-15 The 15 pulls the 315 out from beside the roundhouse.jpg (114.25 KiB) Viewed 1496 times

2018-11-15 The locomotive body and tender are now separated.jpg
2018-11-15 The locomotive body and tender are now separated.jpg (113.7 KiB) Viewed 1496 times

2018-11-15 The 315 is pulled over the pit to clean the ash pan before winter storage.jpg
2018-11-15 The 315 is pulled over the pit to clean the ash pan before winter storage.jpg (108.32 KiB) Viewed 1496 times

2018-11-15 The cleaning done, the 15 has shoved the locomotive body back as other members of the house crew empty the tender of coal.jpg
2018-11-15 The cleaning done, the 15 has shoved the locomotive body back as other members of the house crew empty the tender of coal.jpg (110.27 KiB) Viewed 1496 times

2018-11-15 The 15 has run around to get behind the tender as the loader is getting more coal to take back to the coal pile.jpg
2018-11-15 The 15 has run around to get behind the tender as the loader is getting more coal to take back to the coal pile.jpg (111.09 KiB) Viewed 1496 times

2018-11-15 With the coal bunker empty, the 15 takes the tender to the south yard track where they are storing the tenders for the winter.jpg
2018-11-15 With the coal bunker empty, the 15 takes the tender to the south yard track where they are storing the tenders for the winter.jpg (105.04 KiB) Viewed 1496 times

2018-11-15 On its way back from south yard, the 15 stops so one of the crew can pull down the spout on the tank.jpg
2018-11-15 On its way back from south yard, the 15 stops so one of the crew can pull down the spout on the tank.jpg (78.06 KiB) Viewed 1496 times

2018-11-15 The 15 has now coupled onto the 315 locomotive body.jpg
2018-11-15 The 15 has now coupled onto the 315 locomotive body.jpg (112.39 KiB) Viewed 1505 times

2018-11-15 The 15 is now shoving it back onto the track next to the roundhouse.jpg
2018-11-15 The 15 is now shoving it back onto the track next to the roundhouse.jpg (111.45 KiB) Viewed 1505 times

2018-11-15 After placing the 315 locomotive body on the track next to the roundhouse the 15 is back on the east house lead.jpg
2018-11-15 After placing the 315 locomotive body on the track next to the roundhouse the 15 is back on the east house lead.jpg (109.64 KiB) Viewed 1505 times

2018-11-15 After shoving the 484 locomotive body into the east stall it comes out.jpg
2018-11-15 After shoving the 484 locomotive body into the east stall it comes out.jpg (108.49 KiB) Viewed 1498 times

2018-11-15 Moves into the west lead and comes back out with the 487.jpg
2018-11-15 Moves into the west lead and comes back out with the 487.jpg (107.58 KiB) Viewed 1498 times

2018-11-15 The 15 pulls the 487 out.jpg
2018-11-15 The 15 pulls the 487 out.jpg (107.69 KiB) Viewed 1498 times

2018-11-15 Clears the house lead switch so it can shove it into the east lead.jpg
2018-11-15 Clears the house lead switch so it can shove it into the east lead.jpg (107.09 KiB) Viewed 1498 times

2018-11-15 The 15 is shoving the 487 into the east lead.jpg
2018-11-15 The 15 is shoving the 487 into the east lead.jpg (106.51 KiB) Viewed 1498 times

2018-11-15 The 15 comes back out and moves into the west lead again.jpg
After this, the 15 seems to have gone into the west stall since I am unable to see it on the south side from the depot cam.
2018-11-15 The 15 comes back out and moves into the west lead again.jpg (105.96 KiB) Viewed 1498 times

With the 315 now separated from its tender all the outside work is completed other than the Christmas trains.