7/7/16 Quiet simmering
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:11 am
We have all 3 K36's out in front of the house this morning with the lead switch to the east. This could mean 487 has got the call for today's 216.
A Place for Those Born Too Late...
Sharon Evans wrote:Departure of train 216: 8 cars with 487 leading
Look around the end of the RPO and there are 9 step boxes. Some painted yellow and some looking very worn.
At the end of session D the paint crew received a request to paint those boxes. It looks like they got some of them done. One of the big questions was "How will this be done given that they are used on a daily basis?"
As the 487 passes the coaling tower the engineer blows to alert the conductor of the running brake test
Sharon Evans wrote:They have been there for at least 2 days. They can use them until 'E' when we can paint the rest. Heck, even I could paint those and I am not a great painter.