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5/29/16 The day begins

Unread postPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 7:15 am
by Sharon Evans
487 has come to the ash pit so maybe it will be the locomotive for 216.
5.29.16 487 comes out to the ash pit to begin Sunday activities (1 of 1).jpg
5.29.16 487 comes out to the ash pit to begin Sunday activities (1 of 1).jpg (150.77 KiB) Viewed 1521 times

487 backs down the main after getting water
5.29.16 487 backs down the main to get to the coal dock (1 of 1).jpg
5.29.16 487 backs down the main to get to the coal dock (1 of 1).jpg (151.12 KiB) Viewed 1514 times

The front end loader fills the coal bunker of the 487
5.29.16 487 gets its coal bunker filled (1 of 1).jpg
5.29.16 487 gets its coal bunker filled (1 of 1).jpg (169.1 KiB) Viewed 1513 times

487 has backed down to the train, so it looks like a normal 7 cars today on 216. One never knows though until it actually departs.
5.29.16 487 backs down to the train (1 of 1).jpg
5.29.16 487 backs down to the train (1 of 1).jpg (112.87 KiB) Viewed 1508 times

487 has now coupled to the train without getting any additional coaches so 7 cars today.

487 has pulled 216 into loading position and the bunting for the Memorial Day weekend is visible on the platform of the Colorado
5.29.16 train 216 is now ready to load (1 of 1).jpg
5.29.16 train 216 is now ready to load (1 of 1).jpg (117.73 KiB) Viewed 1499 times

Re: 5/29/16 The day begins

Unread postPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 9:11 am
by Sharon Evans
Train 216 leaves Chama on this Sunday before Memorial Day.

K36 487 gets the train moving in a cloud of coal smoke.
5.29.16 Train 216 departs Chama in a cloud of coal smoke (1 of 1).jpg
5.29.16 Train 216 departs Chama in a cloud of coal smoke (1 of 1).jpg (149.61 KiB) Viewed 1490 times

487 is by the coaling tower and is blowing for the running brake test.
5.29.16 487 is by the tower and is blowing for the running brake test (1 of 1).jpg

487 is approaching the water tower as parlor Colorado has the markers.
5.29.16 Parlor car Colorado brings up the markers on216 today (1 of 1).jpg
5.29.16 Parlor car Colorado brings up the markers on216 today (1 of 1).jpg (140.65 KiB) Viewed 1490 times

Re: 5/29/16 The day begins

Unread postPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 9:13 am
by Sharon Evans
Train 216 is safely away and its time for 489 and 463 to come out and have their daily services done.

Re: 5/29/16 The day begins

Unread postPosted: Sun May 29, 2016 4:08 pm
by Larry Sullivan
Here's today's video - first is 216 departure this morning, 2nd is 215 returning. Only other activity of the day was visits to the ash pit and for water for 463 and 489.