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Boiler wash

Unread postPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:54 pm
by Jim Reynolds
On the webcams this morning I had the opportunity to watch them wash the boiler of 488 in front of the roundhouse. Never seen that before, but was interesting. I guess they usually do it in the engine house

Re: Boiler wash

Unread postPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:15 pm
by Larry Sullivan
I think what you saw Jim may have been draining of the boiler, a boiler wash is a much more involved thing -- at least from what I've read other places. I didn't see the actual event, but did see the steaming puddles of water on each side of 488.

Perhaps those with more knowledge can chime in here.

Re: Boiler wash

Unread postPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:55 pm
by Jim Reynolds
After I thought about it, I think you are right. 488 is scheduled for its major inspection this winter and I bet they were getting it ready before putting it in the house

Re: Boiler wash

Unread postPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:33 pm
by Rich Murray
The time of year raises the question; were they totally draining the boiler or just draining enough to keep exposed water lies from freezing at night. Anyone know what the proceedure is for a cold engine that might be called back into service.

Re: Boiler wash

Unread postPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:42 pm
by Larry Sullivan
It was a huge amount of water Rich, no idea how much the boiler holds but my uneducated guess is it was totally drained. Attaching a pic from about 1/2 hour or more after I first noticed the water -- I should have got something then, but was busy on a couple other things. Much of the water had drained/dried by the time of this capture, but you can see how far back it goes on the right side (camera view).