Rotary in the shop?

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Rotary in the shop?

Unread postby Tim Davis » Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:46 am

Is that OY (the white one)in the left bay of the shop?
Tim Davis

Re: Rotary in the shop?

Unread postby Jason Rose » Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:47 am

Yes, OY is in the Engine House.
Jason Rose
Spring, Texas - MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub
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Re: Rotary in the shop?

Unread postby Allan Kirkpatrick » Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:12 pm

Does anyone know what the status of OY is? Is she getting minor repairs or a complete overhaul of her machinery?
It would be great to have her brought back to better than when delivered.
Allan Kirkpatrick
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Re: Rotary in the shop?

Unread postby Allan Kirkpatrick » Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:15 pm

BTW, what is the status of and where is her water car?
Allan Kirkpatrick
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Re: Rotary in the shop?

Unread postby Dick Cowles » Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:22 pm

Alan, after the last time OY was used it was in serviceable condition so no major work ought to be necessary to restore it to operation. Someone probably knows where the water car is actually stored, but it is around, having been used as a emergency water supply from time to time.
Dick Cowles
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Re: Rotary in the shop?

Unread postby Allan Kirkpatrick » Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:44 pm

Thanks Dick for the reply.
It sure would be nice to see OY in action sometime this or next year.
Allan Kirkpatrick
Posts: 276
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:56 am

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