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09-17-14 Yard activities

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:52 am
by Larry Sullivan
Once again an early morning start to the day. 463 was moving at about 6:15AM MT, quietly moving in the yard with only the bell ringing, no whistle at all. Guessing they don't want to wake the town up too early!


Re: 09-17-14 Yard activities

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:35 am
by Larry Sullivan
#463 seems to have a mixed consist ready this morning, should be heading out soon I would guess. Interesting note on this video - locomotive in front of the engine house being tested and worked on, got a nice smoke show out of that while 463 brought their consist up.


Re: 09-17-14 Yard activities

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:03 am
by Larry Sullivan
Departure of today's school train - mixed consist today, couple passenger, couple open gondola, couple box cars and caboose!


Re: 09-17-14 Yard activities

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:50 am
by Larry Sullivan
#484 getting ready to pull today's train up hill. Looks like it's getting pretty cloudy out there, hopefully the rains hold off.


Off topic for here, but have to say: To all the viewers in Arizona and New Mexico getting the flooding rains that are coming, good luck! Stay safe, don't drive on those flooded roads -- been through enough of that stuff in Florida, but seems to drain off a lot better here!

Lone deer walking through the yard, checking out the tie flats then walking towards the swamp.

Re: 09-17-14 Yard activities

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:19 am
by Larry Sullivan
#484 take train #216 up the hill today, right on time as usual!


Re: 09-17-14 Yard activities

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:40 pm
by Larry Sullivan
4:25 PM, #463 brings in the Engineer School train - with different consist than they left with this morning.

Train 215 Returns, and #463 takes the back road to the ash pit - and that's it for coverage today! Enjoy!