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6-29-14 "Rock Hounds" in the yard????

Unread postPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:44 pm
by Larry Gibson
After train 215 arrived Sunday afternoon the fire patrol pop car ran up to the tipple where two crewmen unloaded several heavy rocks. They piled them on the ground on lower right bottom of pic. Sorry for poor quality.

Re: 6-29-14 "Rock Hounds" in the yard????

Unread postPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:02 pm
by Larry Sullivan
Nice catch and thanks for the explanation Larry, I got on late - noticed the rock pile, wondered how it got there.

Re: 6-29-14 "Rock Hounds" in the yard????

Unread postPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:06 pm
by Larry Gibson
Larry Sullivan wrote:Nice catch and thanks for the explanation Larry, I got on late - noticed the rock pile, wondered how it got there.

You are welcome....would like to know the back story as why???:)

Re: 6-29-14 "Rock Hounds" in the yard????

Unread postPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:21 am
by Edwin Frey
You'll note that it two men to lift each of the rocks to unload them. This morning, a member of the engine crew came by in his black pickup to retrieve them. He got all but one of them loaded by himself, but had to leave behind the biggest one, which is definitely a "two-man rock".

Re: 6-29-14 "Rock Hounds" in the yard????

Unread postPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:23 pm
by Larry Gibson
Edwin Frey wrote:You'll note that it two men to lift each of the rocks to unload them. This morning, a member of the engine crew came by in his black pickup to retrieve them. He got all but one of them loaded by himself, but had to leave behind the biggest one, which is definitely a "two-man rock".

Ok, if this is the case another question: What's the rate for LCL freight?? :)