Train 216 Departure 6/14/14

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Train 216 Departure 6/14/14

Unread postby Larry Gibson » Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:26 am

489 Plus 4-1-2 typical consist leaving. Train came to a stop at tank. Waited 5 min did a blowdown and proceeded slowly out. Did not take on water. Thought at first they were having a mechanical failure of some kind.
6/14/14 489 on the point
6/14/14 continuing past tipple
6/14/14 train stopped at tank
6/14/14 train resumes after 5 minute stop
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Re: Train 216 Departure 6/14/14

Unread postby Larry Sullivan » Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:38 am

A couple of mornings ago, whatever locomotive was in front of the engine house they were working on and did a few short blowdowns there. The next morning 489 was brought up to the ash pit, then back inside the engine house -- so I'm thinking they were working on something, and at least thought they had it all fixed. Hopefully no more issues today!
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Re: Train 216 Departure 6/14/14

Unread postby Larry Gibson » Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:53 am

I was hoping nothing major and it resolved quickly. As I watched was thinking how disappointing if they had to wait to change locos out. Hope it is a smooth trip up the hill.
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Re: Train 216 Departure 6/14/14

Unread postby Larry Sullivan » Sat Jun 14, 2014 11:13 am

Here's the video of the slower than usual departure. This one runs about 9 minutes or so.

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