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Train Departure - 6-12-14 - Video

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:46 am
by Larry Sullivan
487 leads today's train on it's way up the mountain.

Sorry for the bobbles in the beginning, was trying to get the blowdowns on that loco in front of the engine house, should have just let it run. Cams froze on me right at departure time as well -- likely on my end with the storms around here. Anyway mostly got it right --- enjoy!!!


So I have to explain why this comes out with a picture of an Osprey -- there is another webcam I've been watching, got to actually see Osprey hatching -- pretty interesting stuff. Anyway I hit record while still on that window, and got about 1 second of it at the beginning. Unfortunately when I try to edit anything taken with the bandicam program, I lose the sound -- and that's one of the things we all like. You'll just have to trust me that this is 99.99% train video!