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Train 216 Departs 06-11-14 - Video

Unread postPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:25 am
by Larry Sullivan
Another beautiful day there in Chama, not like the day full of thunderstorms I'm getting here.

484 once again leads train 216 on it's daily journey. Lots of folks out in the yard this morning taking pics and watching the departure.


Re: Train 216 Departs 06-11-14 - Video

Unread postPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:29 am
by Jason Rose
Thanks for the video, Larry.

It's pretty neat that such an extraordinary event (such as the departure of a coal-fired narrow gauge steam train in 2014) is considered so routine. We are indeed quite lucky to still have this railroad operating.

My hat's off to the staff, crew, Commissioners, and volunteers that make it all happen so smoothly. :cheers:

Re: Train 216 Departs 06-11-14 - Video

Unread postPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:33 am
by Larry Sullivan
100% agreement with that comment Jason. Even more amazing to me is they do it on time day after day, rarely later than a minute or two on departure -- sometimes a bit later on arrival, but not by much if at all. I think I commented last year at the end of the season I only noticed a couple days all season where they seemed to have issues. Certainly hats off to all involved, and for those that made these webcams possible for us to see what's happening, you deserve praise as well!

Re: Train 216 Departs 06-11-14 - Video

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:01 am
by Tom Casper
Jason, u are at the forefront of exploring the west by video! Great that we can now share with the world our favorite steam spot.

Tom C.

Re: Train 216 Departs 06-11-14 - Video

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:16 am
by Jason Rose
Thanks Tom. But, it's not me at the forefront. This is a Friend's project and I'm just a small part of it.

Re: Train 216 Departs 06-11-14 - Video

Unread postPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:15 am
by Tom Casper
u r the FACE of the friends on this. Don't blush!

Tom C.