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Player Time-out - Flicker

Unread postPosted: Thu May 29, 2014 3:04 pm
by Jason Rose
I'm aware of the problem of the South Cam timing out after 10 minutes and flickering. It's being worked on.

For the time-being, reload/refresh the page when the player times-out.

When this is finished, both cameras will time-out and reset after 10 minutes. This is necessary to keep our cost somewhat manageable. Once fixed, you'll be able to simply hit the play button to restart the stream.

Re: Player Time-out - Flicker

Unread postPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 6:07 am
by Bruce McDowell
Yeah, I figured the no-timeout configuration wouldn't be permanent, but it was sweet while it lasted this week. The timer is working nicely this morning and I appreciate just being able to hit replay within the full-screen view.

I've been streaming both cameras most of the week and only saw a couple of needed-to-reset-the-player freezes. Did notice a couple of "pauses" that self-corrected after a few seconds. It was a bit amusing I think on Wednesday when the cameras got a bit out of sync with each other; north seemed to be increasingly behind. For a while I thought one of the engineers was doubling all of his whistles. Then something doubled with like a 20 second delay, and he wasn't moving anymore. Refreshed both cams and they've been pretty well synced ever since.

Re: Player Time-out - Flicker

Unread postPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 6:20 am
by Jason Rose
Sorry Bruce. The monthly cost without the players timing out would be thousands of dollars.

I confirmed what you're seeing this morning. It's working normally.

Re: Player Time-out - Flicker

Unread postPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:52 am
by John Hamman
Jason Rose wrote:Sorry Bruce. The monthly cost without the players timing out would be thousands of dollars.

I confirmed what you're seeing this morning. It's working normally.

Jason, does it help hold down costs if we only watch one camera instead of two? Often, there is nothing going on looking north. If it saves money, I can just watch the south camera.


Re: Player Time-out - Flicker

Unread postPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:03 am
by Jason Rose
John Hamman wrote:
Jason Rose wrote:Sorry Bruce. The monthly cost without the players timing out would be thousands of dollars.

I confirmed what you're seeing this morning. It's working normally.

Jason, does it help hold down costs if we only watch one camera instead of two? Often, there is nothing going on looking north. If it saves money, I can just watch the south camera.


Technically, yes. But, if only one person (or even a handful) is doing that, the savings wouldn't be noticeable. Everyone would have to abide by that in order to realize any real cost savings... and that isn't going to happen. So, I wouldn't worry about it.

Good idea though. :cheers:

My understanding is that the Friend's are breaking even with the way things are currently configured. This means the donations and advertisers are adequately covering the costs. However, please don't get complacent with your donations. The cameras and network hardware have a limited lifespan and maintenance/replacement of hardware will get us eventually. This is a solid system, but the weather in Chama is hard on the gear. I expect to start having problems in a year or so. So, keep the money coming so it's on hand when we need it.