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Something went wrong this morning

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:53 pm
by Dave in CA
This morning, as the train left at 10:00, something went wrong with locomotive 489 (I think it was 489). At first, it looked like the cylinder cocks wouldn't close. But as the loco got closer to the south-facing camera, the amount of steam coming from underneath the steam chest seemed to be quite a bit more that what open cylinder cocks would produce. The train stopped and the engineer semi-rolled under the front end to fix/assess the problem. He climbed back aboard, moved forward about 40 more feet, stopped, and got out again. This happened a couple more times and finally ended (?) with the train backing back to the station. I had to go to class, so I wasn't able to see the outcome. Does anybody know what happened??

Re: Something went wrong this morning

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:08 pm
by Jason Rose
They backed to the Depot and left town shortly after, about 1020 MT.

No idea why.

When they left, everything looked normal.