07-02-14 Early morning activity

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07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Larry Sullivan » Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:03 am

Shortly after 7am in Chama, and already plenty going on. Starting up #15 the diesel, and 487 just came back from being out someplace early.

Rough smokey startup for #15 - 487 whistling in the background (Out of yard to the North).

#15 Moving and 487 pushing 2nd hot loco into engine house.
Larry Sullivan
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Re: 07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Larry Sullivan » Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:57 am

Just a side note that #489 seems to be prepping for the day as well, no idea if this means doubleheader today, or perhaps something else, but lots of action today it seems.
bandicam 2014-07-02 10-18-03-859.jpg
bandicam 2014-07-02 10-18-03-859.jpg (92.07 KiB) Viewed 3844 times
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Re: 07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Tim Davis » Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:21 am

Somehow I missed 463 being moved over in front of the shop. Must have happened early. Was #15 used for that maybe?
Tim Davis

Re: 07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Larry Sullivan » Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:25 am

Tim Davis wrote:Somehow I missed 463 being moved over in front of the shop. Must have happened early. Was #15 used for that maybe?

No that must have happened sometime over the last couple days Tim, perhaps someone else would know. This morning from what I saw #15 just came out of the roundhouse, started up and then headed out back someplace. Haven't seen it since. Possibly was moved by 487 this morning, as it was already out of the yard by the time I came on.
Larry Sullivan
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Re: 07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Tim Davis » Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:51 am

I'm pretty sure they moved 463 sometime early this morning. I was on about 4:00AM local and it was still in front of the roundhouse. You're probably right Larry, that's what 487 was doing so early.
Tim Davis

Re: 07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Allan Kirkpatrick » Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:34 am

I noticed #15 headed toward the Y.
I assume that it is there to help with the Y extensions.
Does anyone know if this is the case and when are the extensions going to be finished?
It sure will be a great help for the crews when it is finished.
Allan Kirkpatrick
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Re: 07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Allan Kirkpatrick » Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:53 pm

I noticed a high pitched sound from the west(?) mic.
First I thought it might have been a loco generator.
It sounds more like feedback on the mic.
Has anybody else heard this, or know the source for it?
Allan Kirkpatrick
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Re: 07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Larry Sullivan » Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:59 pm

Allan Kirkpatrick wrote:I noticed a high pitched sound from the west(?) mic.
First I thought it might have been a loco generator.
It sounds more like feedback on the mic.
Has anybody else heard this, or know the source for it?

I noticed that as well Allan and was trying to figure it out. (Sound was driving my cat crazy!!). I don't think it's mic feedback, something going on in the yard. Could be picking up the hot loco by the engine house, not sure. Definitely a sound we haven't had steadily since the mic was installed, more typical when a loco has been sitting right by the tipple or coal loading.
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Re: 07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Jason Rose » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:14 pm

I've heard it as well. Sounded like a steam dynamo to me.

I'll turn the gain down a bit.
Jason Rose
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Re: 07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Larry Sullivan » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:15 pm

Whatever it was just went away Jason, perhaps it was a bit of feedback. We'll credit you with the fix anyway!
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Re: 07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Jason Rose » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:22 pm

Not me. I'm mobile right now. Will fix later.
Jason Rose
Spring, Texas - MP 209.7 - UP Palestine Sub
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" - Wendell Phillips
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Re: 07-02-14 Early morning activity

Unread postby Allan Kirkpatrick » Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:24 am

It definitely is not a loco generator.
Once in a while it seems to abate then come back.
If it isn't mic feedback, could it be something to do with the temporary wiring or has that been fixed.
Since we have been listening to the new mics for a while now (and enjoying far better reception) it seems strange that it would be mic gain.
I guess we will have to have silent video or much reduced sound for a while.
Any other theories?
Allan Kirkpatrick
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