463 Charter a Go!

Discussions regarding the Friends efforts to restore DRGW K27 #463

463 Charter a Go!

Unread postby Tim Tennant » Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:48 pm

We are There………
The 463 is Steaming Again!

The wait is indeed over as Locomotive 463 is ready to operate again after a decade of inactivity. The Antonito Shop Crew put the finishing touches on the 3½ year rebuild over the winter and she is ready for her inaugural charter!

Ride behind the 463 on its first revenue charter after undergoing restoration which the Friends raised the funding to undertake the project. Be aboard as the “Mudhen” once again steams through the San Juan Mountains of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico.

This special offering by the Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, Inc. will feature a 8:30am departure from the Antonito Depot on a one-way westbound trip to Chama. Numerous photo runbys along the route are planned. A BBQ chicken lunch at Osier is included in the price of a ticket. Each passenger will also receive a commemorative 463 cap marking the occasion! Make your reservations now as seats are limited!

Date: Monday May 20, 2013

Time: 8:30am Train Departs Antonito

Fares: $185 Tourist Class
$125 Coach Class (general public)
$115 Coach Class (Friends Member)
$95 Work Session Attendee

Night Photo Shoot: $50 (Limited to 25 people. At Chama Depot starting at Sundown)

Motorcoach transportation between Chama and Antonito is included in the fare. For those staying in Chama the motorcoach departs the Chama Depot at 7:00am, arriving in Antonito at 8:00am. For those staying in Antonito or Alamosa, the motorcoach will depart Chama at 6:30pm arriving back in Antonito at 7:30pm.

To purchase a ticket for this special charter please call:

Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, Inc.
4421 McLeod Road NE, Suite F
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Tel: 505-880-1311
463 at Lava 4-9-13.JPG
463 at Lava Tank
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Tim Tennant
Posts: 434
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:04 pm

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