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Summer, 2016 Dispatch

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 10:42 am
by Chris James
Finally, the Summer Dispatch. This is my first issue as editor and I owe the Friends an apology for the delay. Part of the delay was being the newbee editor, part was that I was already scheduled to be in Chicago during some of the time the issue should have been going together. But here it is. There are a couple errors some might notice but I'm writing them off as "growing pains." Hope you do, too. Enjoy. And I promise to be more timely in the future. - chris james

Re: Summer, 2016 Dispatch

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 10:56 am
by Rich Murray
error? what error? I don't see no error!
Seriously, great job Chris! It looks really good!
Thank you for taking over in such fine fashion.

Re: Summer, 2016 Dispatch

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 11:21 am
by Larry Sullivan
Only had time to scan through it for now - but it looks REALLY good! Thanks Chris for taking over, and once again thanks to Rich for the fantastic job you have done with the Dispatch.