by Chris James » Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:24 am
I just watched the Friends "recruitment" video on the introduction to the Chama Cam page. First of all my compliments to whomever put that together. As a former video producer and teacher, that was some fine work, well composed, nicely edited and (best of all) you used a tripod! You get an A for your final project (Final Exam is next week...)
Now, an idea: As I was watching that I was asking myself, "Self, where in this video are the volunteers themselves and what sort of stuff do they actually DO? Yes, I know what they do because I've been there. But for the viewer it might be: "OK, I've read about "projects" in the titles but what sort of work is really done? And can I really do it? I'm a teenager/tool klutz/woman/70 y-o/guy who just likes trains. Can I do this sort of work? And what are the other volunteers like? Will I fit in?" They were great CS&T shots but I would love to see those alternated with equally great video segments of Friends volunteers - all ages, all genders, all sorts of different projects - working in Chama and Antonito. And of course they are all having a great time with lots of smiles, paint brushes, tools, hard work, fun work, different work, lunch and camaraderie. And trains.
I'm not sure who put the video together (was that Roger? Jason?) but I think as a recruitment tool it would be more effective if it showed was the Friends actually DO during the work sessions. I know that before my first Work Session I had no idea what to expect. Showing this would be a good nudge toward volunteering for the next generation.
My 2/1000's of a dollar.
Chris James
Editor, C&TS Dispatch
Albuquerque, NM