In the past the projects and amounts actually appropriated by the NM Legislature for Capital Outlays are not known to the public until the final votes by both houses. This is likely to be the case again this Monday in the Special Session.
For the record, during the regular session the Senate by a bipartisan 40-0 vote passed a version of Capital Outlays (SB 159) that included:
1. $750,000 for track, locos, etc. to satisfy FRA regs. (big item being the reboilering of 488)
2. $250,000 for passenger car rehab
3. $65,000 toward land purchase for Chama visitor center
4. $50,000 for Chama sand house repairs
The Republican House then unexpectedly revised SB 159 on a straight party-line vote, taking funding away from projects like the C&TS and putting the monies toward roads, especially in the SE part of the state, and then sent it over to the Senate which with only 20 minutes left in the session let it die. This version only included the following appropriations for the railroad.
1. $65,000 toward land purchase for Chama visitor center
2. $50,000 for Chama sand house repairs
3. $30,000 for Sublette water supply repairs
I would expect that much of the C&TS requests that were in the original Senate version will be included in the Special Session version, but we've been disappointed before, so stay tuned.